Car Accident Lawyer in Clayton, GA

Car Accident Lawyer Clayton, GANobody plans for a car accident and a severe collision can leave you completely lost – unless you know the right car accident lawyer in Clayton, Georgia. The major injuries you suffer because of your car crash are just the tip of a very difficult iceberg, and you might find your life completely disrupted. You shouldn’t have to struggle any more than necessary, especially if you know the accident wasn’t your fault. But what can you do? Every car accident is different, and unfortunately, there’s no guidebook on how to survive the endless bills and expenses you might be racking up. The injuries from a car accident are as varied as the causes of car accidents, and you might be struggling with a number of medical issues:

  • Whiplash: Caused by the rapid back-and-forth jerking motion of your neck and spine in the event of a rear-end collision, whiplash can creep up on you after your accident. You might not feel it while the adrenaline courses through you immediately after a car accident, but the next day you might feel a little soreness in your shoulders. The day after that, you might not even be able to move your neck. Expect an expensive doctor’s visit – and see if a car accident lawyer in Clayton, GA can help you.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: The brain is incredibly fragile, and if you’ve suffered a concussion or other brain injury because of your accident, getting the proper medical care should always be your first priority. Of course, after you get treated, you’ll be dealing with steep bills and a lengthy recovery process – if you’re able to recover at all. Permanent brain damage is a frightening possibility when considering car accidents, and you should receive proper compensation so you can continue to live your life as normally as possible.
  • Burns: Burns are severely traumatic, and can require extensive skin grafts and reconstructive surgery. The intensive medical treatment required to help you recover from burns is overwhelming, and insurance companies may not be willing to foot the entire bill. Fortunately, the right lawyer can investigate your case to determine who caused your burn injuries, and how you can hold them accountable for your damages.

How a Lawyer Can Help

There are a few ways that a lawyer can help. Perhaps the most crucial way that a lawyer can help is by optimizing the amount of compensation that you deserve. Although it’s not uncommon to be offered a settlement from the other party’s insurance company following a car accident, often times the settlement that you’re offered doesn’t even come close to covering all the current and future expenses you will have. 

Unfortunately, insurance companies will try to undercut a victim by offering too low of a settlement. They can often get away with it because a plaintiff may not know their rights and/or the types of compensation they’re eligible for. 

In fact, there are three types of compensation available for plaintiffs following a car accident. The first type of compensation is referred to as economic damages and covers compensation for expenses that can more easily be calculated. These include:

  • Lost wages
  • Current and future medical expenses and bills
  • Compensation for property damage such as repairing or replacing your vehicle
  • Compensation for attorney, filing, and court fees

The second type of compensation is non-economic damages and can offer compensation for factors like: 

  • Pain and suffering 
  • Emotional distress
  • A reduction in the quality of life
  • Reduction in mobility or issues like becoming blind or deaf
  • A loss in sexual ability or a loss in relationships
  • Damage to one’s reputation or overall self-esteem
  • Issues like developing PTSD as a result of the accident

Lastly, there are punitive damages. While economic and non-economic damages are meant to make the victim whole, punitive damages are used as a way to punish the defendant and deter any future actions. Although punitive damages are rare and are often used against entities versus individuals, there are still instances where punitive damages can apply following a car accident. 

How Much Does a Lawyer Cost?

Following a car accident, some people might be reluctant to contact a lawyer simply because they believe they can’t afford it. Although some car accident attorneys request money upfront–such as in the case of hourly pay and/or a retainer fee–many attorneys instead have a contingency fee in place. What this means is that the lawyer will cover all the upfront costs and instead will be paid a percentage of the final settlement or court award. 

Although this percentage can sometimes be 30 percent or more, the advantage is that it allows the plaintiff to not have to worry about having to pay upfront attorney fees. The logic behind this is that because they will already be dealing with financial burdens such as medical expenses, this allows them to not have to worry about additional expenses. 

Additionally, an attorney can negotiate with the insurance companies and apply legal pressure when needed. An experienced lawyer can help you determine if an offer from the insurance company is worth settling for, what types of damages you may be eligible for, and help you win your case. 

The list of potential injuries from a car accident goes on. And of course, so does the final bill. If you’re spending time bouncing between medical specialists and procedures, chances are you’re being slapped with hefty bills at every turn – and because you’re unable to clock in for work every day to collect those all-important paychecks, you might find yourself in more financial danger than you could have possibly expected. Nobody expects to get in a car accident when they set out for a drive, whether they’re just going to get groceries or commuting to work. Drivers on the road have a responsibility to ensure their own safety and the safety of those around them, and when a dangerous driver neglects this responsibility and causes an accident, they should be held accountable for the pain and suffering they have caused. A car accident has the potential to ruin your life. At Hurt Stolz, P.C., we think you deserve better. Reach out to us today, and see a qualified car accident lawyer Clayton, GA can help you get the compensation you deserve for the better future you need.

Motor Vehicle Accident FAQs

Many people have similar concerns and questions regarding vehicle accidents. Speaking with a car accident lawyer in Athens, GA, is the best way to have your questions answered, but these frequently asked questions may help to dispel some misconceptions and clear up confusion.

Should I Move My Vehicle After an Accident?

If no one has been seriously injured and your vehicle is capable of being safely driven, you should move it out of the road or to some other location that won’t be hazardous. Leaving the vehicles on the road can create a dangerous situation in some conditions, like heavy traffic or low visibility.

Do The Police Need to be Called for a Minor Accident?

Yes, you should always report your accident so the police can complete a report on the incident. Police reports are commonly used as evidentiary documents in court cases, so it will be important if you need to file a claim in the future.

Should I See a Doctor Even If I Don’t Think I’m Injured?

Yes, it is always a good idea to be evaluated by medical professionals following a collision. Delayed symptoms are not uncommon after seemingly minor car accidents.

Can More Than One Driver be Found at Fault?

Yes, the state of Georgia uses a comparative fault system in motor vehicle collision cases. That means that multiple drivers may share responsibility for the accident. Any negligence by a driver can lead to them being found at least partially at fault for the crash. Hurt Stolz, P.C. can evaluate the details of your case and advise you on how best to move forward.

If I’m Found Partially at Fault, Can I Still Receive Compensation?

This depends on your degree of fault. Any monetary damages the court awards will be reduced based on the percentage of fault you share for the accident. An experienced car accident lawyer in Athens, GA, can help you gather evidence to support your case and advise you on potential outcomes.

Should I Hire a Lawyer?

Each case and situation is different, but there are a few key things to keep in mind. Even in circumstances where costs seem minor, expenses can add up to an unmanageable total. Injuries can present with delayed symptoms. Insurance companies often offer lowball settlement amounts. With all these things considered, it may be in your best interest to at least consult with a competent car accident lawyer in Athens, GA.